Awesome Blogger Award

MurmelMeister got nominated for the “Awesome Blogger Award“!

Thank you!!!

…and I am disappointed I can not track this award til it’s roots. It’s my first nomination for this award and I am honored. Counting nominations I’m up to 7 blogger award nominations now and I cherish each and everyone of them.

I’d like to thank Crazy Nerds for this kind nomination and the interesting questions. Anisha & Anjana are two Crazy Nerds running a blog that is good for heart and soul. It makes you reflect and puts a smile on your face. I always enjoy visiting their blog and yes, I gotta admit: I love nerds. Hey, my dear nerds out there, do you mind answering this question for me too, please: “What is something you like to do that other people would probably consider “weird” if they knew?” Shout out to you both and once again – thanks for the nomination!

About Awesome Blogger Award

This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.

Rules To Be Part Of Awesome Blogger Award

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward.
  • Answer the questions you were asked.
  • Nominate at least 5 bloggers and inform them of their nomination.
  • Give them 10 new questions to answer.

Questions for MurmelMeister

Do you believe in spirituality?
I sure do, being a person who tries to be in the present moment with heart and soul this goes without saying. I am a Buddhist, looking for my place and my answers in this world.

Are you into gardening?
Totally! I love being outside and am lucky to call a big garden mine, where I can grow fruits, vegetables and herbs. I love my herbs, as I’m crazy about spices and cooking. I always try to spice up my life.
I love the sound of nature while being outside, the smell and lot’s more. Being in my garden and working with my hands, getting all dirty and feeling mother nature is very relaxing to me.

Share the picture of any DIY project you’ve done, if any.

  • I do a lot of drawing on stones and wood.
  • I built a tree house and a pirate ship.
  • I built my own kitchen.
  • And I built stuff for and together with Minime.

Those were the first things that popped into my mind. I enjoy being creative.

Share the best-loved post from your blog, with link.
In terms of direct hits:
Rescources & Priorities
Generally, my haikus got the most likes. It’s two on the top:
Freedom Haiku:
January Haiku:
And may I add, that although I really love poetry, my favorite blog posts did not get enough love yet?!

Is there any other art form you’re familiar with, other than blogging? If yes, what is it?
Before I started blogging I finished writing three books. I’ve always been into writing. I started writing poems way back in time, as I was a heart broken teenager.
Besides writing, I love decoration and building stuff.

Which is the most used application in your phone?
I’m not into my cellphone, to be really honest. I always try to avoid it. Unless someone calls or sents a message, it gets no attention from my end. Actually, I use it to play music through itunes when I’m in my car. Does that count?

What’s the longest time you’ve slept so far, at a stretch?
I don’t remember, but I remember the opposite. Since I’m a mother I deal with a lack of sleep. Mostly it’s 4-5 hours of sleep.

Do you prefer reading short or long blog posts?
I’d say short, meaning approx. 500 words. If I’d like to read more, I enjoy it on paper. I am old school and I do like using a pen in order to make notes or mark stuff.

Do you volunteer? Online or offline?
Yes, I do regularly, although I don’t want to commit myself long-term, due to a general lack of time.

Was there a turning point in your life?
There were quiet a few lessons of life, that became turning points and strongly influenced me.
One thing I remember well, after facing the possibility of being seriously sick and getting a good diagnose, I was going outside, looking at the sky and I said: “Der Himmel ist heute blauer als sonst.”,meaning “Today the sky is more blue as the other days.”

…what!? No more questions left!? I really enjoyed answering, thanks so much to my lovely nerds. I enjoyed your questions a lot!

My nominations

I really do enjoy my couch talks with B., Brandi, that’s why I have to nominate you:
I love Frank’s poems, which is why I visit your blog regulary: made of sticks and stones
Because he is special and makes me smile, you gotta get kuched:
Michelle is a true sweet heart and kind soul, please visit her on:
Joni makes me think, it’s always great chatting with you:
Fauxcroft, I loooove your poems and I’d be curious to learn more about the person, who often touches my heart and soul:

Because you make me think (mostly written in German):

I love this newcomer too, please be curious about what she has to say. I love your writing, dear Helen:

Questions to my nominees:

  1. When are you happiest?
  2. Do you prefer happiness or challenging situations?
  3. What is the best thing happening to you past week?
  4. What is the most useful thing you own?
  5. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  6. What makes you laugh the most?
  7. What is something you like to do that other people would probably consider “weird” if they knew?
  8. What was the most thoughtful gift you made?
  9. What’s the best topping/ice cream combination?
  10. What’s your idea of heaven & hell?
  11. How do you feel about diversity?
  12. What is your most favorite blog post that did not get enough attention yet?
  13. What’s your favorite question to ask?
  14. What was the meanest thing you’ve ever done?
  15. Which jobs would you like to try out, if you had a chance?
  16. You’re good at?

Yes, I came up with more questions than I was supposed to. For the ones who run out of time -please miss out on what ever is too much.

Once again, thanks to all of you, who are reading this and who are participating. I bow down for you as a matter of respect and appreciation! I always cherish Award Nominations. Who would I be if I don’t. It’s part of this wonderful world of writing. We are all in this together and it is my pleasure!

Sent with lots of love.

Yours, Sovely

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  1. Brandi S.

    Congratulations on getting nominated for this award, Sovely, and thank you so much for the nomination! I really enjoyed your answers (I, too, don’t give my cell phone much attention lol). Love your questions and can’t wait to answer them!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Anisha

    Your DIY projects are simply superb. Each one of them tells your love for them. I admire your patience and time management skills!

    Your post on resources and priorities speaks a lot about your personality. I loved your habits of prioritising stuff, and spending time with family as much as possible!

    It’s very good to know you liked my questions. It’s a great pleasure!

    To answer your questions for the nerds, I have few weird habits related to food. I can smell food, mostly when cooking, and determine if it’d turn out good! I eat my least favorite food on the plate first; the host usually thinks it’s my favorite and ends up serving more. My bad!

    Sending you lots of smiles!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sovely Matters

      Dear Anisha, I’d like to thank you for your kind words and for taking the effort of having a closer look and getting back to me. I aprreciate it a lot. You know, I was never really gifted the way that I could live of it, but I always enjoyed being creative and doing things the way I want it to be. It’s not supposed to be perfect, it’s supposed to have a character. Yes, I find my heart and soul in every tiny thing and it gives me peace.

      As far as sources and priorities is concerned, I think once you came to the point of a break down, you realize what is important in your life!

      Hey, I do have the habbit too. I never taste the food while cooking, it’s my nose too! We’re freaks and I’m loving it!

      Best wishes to you! Sovely

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Anisha

      Yes, you’re right. We all having a turning point of realisation in life.

      It’s a pleasure knowing and connecting with you, Mam! See you around ✨
      My Best Wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. das Licht

    Ich gratuliere Dir für die Nominierung, liebe Sovely – und danke Dir natürlich “nebenbei” für meine Nominierung. Ich freue mich schon darauf, die Fragen, die Du mir gestellt hast, zu beantworten. Deine Antworten auf die Dir gestellten Fragen finde ich ganz wundervoll. In einigen fand ich mich sofort wieder und lächelte. Schön, dass wir uns hier in Bloghausen über den Weg gelaufen sind.
    Herzliche Grüße, das Licht

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sovely Matters

      Ich freue mich sehr, liebes Licht – insbesondere natürlich, über die warmen Worte und Deine herzliche Rückmeldung. Ich bin sehr gespannt. Mir hat es tatsächlich ganz viel Spaß gemacht, und ich hoffe sehr, Dir ergeht es auch so. Alles Liebe. Deine Sovely

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Kaya Licht

      Hallo liebe Sovely,
      nun komme ich auch endlich wieder dazu, hier zu schreiben. Ich war doch mit der Beantwortung Deiner Fragen beschäftigt und überhaupt mit dem Award. Mir hat es auch viel Freude bereitet.
      Liebe Grüße von Herzen, Deine Kaya

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sarah

    Dear Sovely,
    thanks for your nomination, it has just brightened up my day!:-) Thanks for your questions too, they‘ve already made me think and I‘m curious myself how my answers will finally look like! Even though I‘m a German writer, I really appreciate your English texts too and often feel inspired by them! Best regards, Sarah (

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sovely Matters

      Dear Sarah, thank you soooo much! And of course feel free to write in German, however you feel like is fine with me. I’m glad to share a smile with you! Happy me receiving all those lovely words. I appreciate it and am very much looking forward to hearing from you again. My best wishes are with you! Yours, Sovely

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Michael A. Kuch

      My pleasure. I’m enjoying these award nominations again. For awhile I wasn’t certain I’d like to receive any more, but it’s quite an honour and privilege to be recognized by fellow writers and bloggers I respect and admire. Deeply humbled. Thank you again, Dear Sovely

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Sovely Matters

      My dear Saba, thanks so much for hanging in with me on here and for your sweet words. I very much appreciate it and it’s always great hearing from you. Joining “Blogger Awards” always holds such a strong and positive energy, I’m glad sharing it on here.

      I really hope you are well, my dear frind. My best wishes are with you. Yours, Sovely

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Sovely Matters

      Thank you so much, I just discovered again, how much strong and positive energy is shared due to “Blogging Awards”. It’s always a great pleasure. All the best to you as well. Yours, Sovely

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Helen

    Liebe Sovely, hier nochmal Glückwunsch zu deiner Nominierung und vielen Dank für meine und das tolle Kompliment, das hat mich wirklich unglaublich gefreut (und tut es immer noch). 💙 Ich liebe deine DIY-Projekte und bin ganz neidisch auf dein Baumhaus. 😄 Und ich freue mich darauf, deine Fragen zu beantworten!
    Alles Liebe, Helen

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sovely Matters

      Liebe Helen, ich freue mich sehr Dir eine Freude bereitet zu haben und freue mich natürlich mit! Homemade with love feiere ich noch viel extremer, seitdem ich Mama bin. Es ist schön das weiter geben zu können, und Minime macht dankbar mit. Das ersetzt jeden TV. Herzlichst, Sovely

      Liked by 2 people

  6. MichelleMarie

    Hello dear Sovely. Thank you so much for nominating me. I loved the answers to your questions and will most certainly join in when I have time. I haven’t been on WP as much so I plan to do this one. I hope
    You are doing well. Be well and safe much love Michelle xoxo 💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

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