The Outstanding Blogger Award

I got nominated for

The Outstanding Blogger Award

and received the following questions:

1. What is the meaning of life?

I had to do an own blog post for it: Life || Leben – MurmelMeister

2. Whom would you call if you had only one call left?

Rock’n’Roll Baby, I’d call Elvis to have him save his last dance for me!

And for this world, there sure are people close to my heart who’d deserve my last call. I‘m a mother at first sight, so my first and last thought always is Minime. And being a women, the love of my life is always with me too.

3. Is there anybody, you need to call “someday”? If yes – initials are enough.

There is nothing of importance speaking of someday. Yes, there is someone special close to my heart – and we‘re in touch in the real world. It’s here and now. He knows who he is and what he means to me.

4. When will “someday” be?

Sorry, this question doesn’t apply to me.

5. What is the first step to overcome the biggest obstacle in your life?

The biggest obstacle and blessing in my life is my love. Love and passion mostly is against all sanity and mind. If your heart speaks to you, you simply have to follow and you are ignoring the consequences. It means choosing the hard and challenging way, instead of doing whatever makes sense.

How do I overcome love?! Sounds too easy, something like “please offer me a happy pill and I will not fall for love anymore.” Yeah right. The real question would be if I really want to overcome my biggest obstacle!? The answer is no, I don’t want to. It’s who I am. It provides me with many many rich experiences and wonderful emotions, desire, passion – burning love and on the other hand devastation and heartache that rips my heart apart.

I need those pure and intense feelings to feel alive. I’m learning to embrace and live with it. It takes to face one’s biggest obstacle in order to deal with it. So that would be the first big step: facing the truth.

6. Tell us your most effective way to say “No”.

There is nothing more effective than a clear “No.”, any additional word offers space for discussions.

7. Give two fun facts about your blogging.

Blogging somehow can be like a second life. Anything is possible. You can create your world and get to meet people from anywhere. I very much enjoy meeting other bloggers online and imagine their true story. It’s very interesting to meet people from other cultures.

Another fun fact is that I very much enjoy my blog, it’s pure me, still I don’t need to prove anything. I don’t need to explain myself, ask for permission or please anyone- it’s up to me and it is 100% pure me. That is very empowering. At the same time I learn that although I turned around myself for too long, it is not just about me anymore. I see myself and what ever I do as my contribution to this world- hopefully it is a good one.

…saying so, I am very delighted that Karmen of

Ich kreiere, also bin ich! – Be your word and live your truth

nominated me for “The Outstanding Blogger Award”.

Thank you so much, dear Karmen. I appreciate it a lot. At the same time I very much appreciate your blog and that it was you nominating me. I always love visiting your blog for it’s inspiration, heart and soul!

The blogging world can be a true blessing. I feel blessed and I’d like to thank each and every one for reading my words, for leaving a like or a note.

This one goes out to you!

My questions for my nominees are:

  1. If there is anything transcendental existing, what is it you believe in?
  2. What is the perfect gift?
  3. Which favorite tradition do you like to hold on to?
  4. Somewhere over the rainbow you find…?!
  5. What’s your favorite time of the year?
  6. Please describe „the right combination“ from your perspective!?
  7. Which kind of shoes do you prefer and why?

Rules of the Outstanding Blogger Award:

Provide the link to the creator’s original award post, (very important: see why in last step)

Answer the questions provided

Create 7 unique questions

Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated

At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!..
This award was created by Colton Beckwith originally…


    1. Sovely Matters

      Karmen, ich danke Dir von Herzen. Ich hatte heute viel Spaß damit mich selbst zu hinterfragen, um ehrliche Antworten zu geben, die aus tiefem Herzen kommen. Ich liebe es immer sehr mich mit Award Nominierungen zu beschäftigen. Awards sind immer so besonders und wertvoll, wie man selbst sie sieht und schätzt. Alles Liebe ins dicke B!


  1. Fritz Sebastian Konka

    Liebe Sovely, ich wollte mich auch nochmal auf deiner Seite für die Empfehlung meiner Seite bedanken. Ich freue mich sehr über jeden zusätzlichen Leser, der sich auf meine Seite verirrt, oder sie dank Dir nun bewusst findet 🙂 Und ich würde mich auch freuen, wenn du mir vielleicht nochmal eine separate E-Mail schickst. Grundsätzlich bin ich nämlich sehr an der Teilnahme an dem „Outstanding Blogger Award“ interessiert:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fritz Sebastian Konka

    Liebe Sovely, auch ich möchte dir zu deiner Nominierung gratulieren und mich hiermit nochmal ganz herzlich auch auf deiner Seite für die Empfehlung meiner Seite bedanken. Ich freue mich sehr über jeden Leser, der sich auf meine Seite verirrt, oder sie dank deiner Empfehlung nun bewusst findet 🙂 Auch würde ich mich freuen, wenn du mir zu dem “Outstanding Blogger Award” nochmal mailen würdest. Grundsätzlich, d.h. wenn ich tatsächlich teilnehmen könnte, bin ich an einer Teilname nämlich sehr interessiert 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sovely Matters

      Dear Sophia, I didn’t spent a lot of time on blogging lately, but I will make sure to slowly catch up. I wanna thank you for stopping by anyways. I very much appreciate is and hope life is kind with you. Yours, Sovely

      Liked by 1 person

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