|| English & deutschsprachige Version


Human beings have the ability to adapt. We are curious. We investigate, are driven to understand and learn. We wanna influence, create and develop. A life on pause – impossible. In case there are situations that are difficult to deal with, we are looking for a solution. If we can’t find one, we are searching for a different way out. Sometimes we ask for help. The life we are living is relying on the assumption, that there always is tomorrow and we will make it there. Maybe it is the limit of life time, that makes life interesting and enjoyable. How would life be like, if this limit would not exist?

Emotional reaction of people varies between numb and an overload, depending on experiences, circumstances and so on. People are emotional, some are reasonable, some are crazy and some simply are bad. We live somewhere in between “trying to survive“ and “having an overload of everything“. Apparently the life we are living and the person we are growing to be, all that pretty much depends on the place, social surrounding and circumstances we are born into. We wanna believe the world is not cruel, we feel everyone has equal chances. We want to influence our life, instead of being a doll someone is playing around with. We want to be free and live our own life the way we want to! Maybe this works in some cases, but it definitely is not a given necessity. The world we are living in holds it all. It’s everything and nothing. We are dealing with it, according to the circumstances and our background. Some run away, live in their own bubble, some ignore or simply are caught in a material world. Some people choose to turn around and hold on to faith. A religion gives them the missing part to deal with the life they are living. Some believe in facts, in research and science. Some people make it a beautiful wonderland, no matter what. Some people simply don’t give a shit. It’s a complex world we are living in and from the beginning of human beings on this planet, we are curious to understand.

We look at other living beings. We even try understand their life, looking at things through their eyes too. We are lucky we are able to change perspectives. Looking at all this, I can see the numerous differences that are existing, challenges, chances and lots more. I see chances and difficulties. Sometimes life shocks me and appears to be a black hole with no sun. Then again, out of nowhere the situation can be totally different, colorful, happy and shiny.

It’s a rich world we live in and if we are very honest: this world is not enough for us. We always want more. It is our inner call to go further, reaching out for more. Yesterday is history with all the things we developed and accomplished- If we are lucky, we keep it in our history books or on any other data source. Sometimes we are lucky to learn from the past. Sometimes life repeats itself. Again, always looking for tomorrow. We are looking for our meaning in life. Further to this, some feel they need to leave something great after death. Something to tell their story and explain that the person existed.

Life seems to be a big loop, the end uncertain. We know our bodies will die at some point soon and we want to influence that as well. We stare at eternity, driven by the attempt of looking beyond what ever we think to know. A never ending search, question after question to be answered and asked again. As long as we are living, we will never stop asking. That’s part of being a human being and life.

Did you question life at various occasions?

How about raising some more questions?

Which are the answers you found and how does it influence your every day life?

How about picking up a thought out of this potpourri and continue writing on your blog. When we are making sure to connect and insert web-links, we might be able to create a big potpourri out of real life together. What do you think?


Menschen haben die Fähigkeit, sich anzupassen. Wir sind neugierig. Wir untersuchen, sind motiviert zu verstehen und zu lernen. Wir wollen beeinflussen, erschaffen und entwickeln. Ein Leben im Stillstand – unmöglich. Für den Fall, dass es schwierig ist, mit Situationen umzugehen, suchen wir nach einer Lösung. Wenn wir keine finden können, suchen wir nach einem anderen Ausweg. Manchmal bitten wir um Hilfe. Das Leben, welches wir führen basiert auf der Annahme, dass es immer ein Morgen gibt, und wir es dahin schaffen werden. Vielleicht ist es die zeitliche Begrenzung, die unser Leben spannend und lebenswert macht. Wie würde unser Leben sein, wenn das Leben keine Grenzen kennt?

Die emotionale Reaktion von Menschen variiert je nach Erfahrung, Umständen usw. zwischen Taubheit und Überlastung. Die Leute sind emotional, manche sind vernünftig, manche sind verrückt und manche sind einfach schlecht. Wir leben irgendwo zwischen „versuchen zu überleben“ und „im Überfluss leben“. Anscheinend hängt unser Leben und unsere Persönlichkeit, zu der wir heranwachsen, ziemlich stark von dem Ort, der sozialen Umgebung und den Umständen ab, in die wir hineingeboren werden. Wir wollen glauben, dass die Welt nicht grausam ist, wir glauben, dass jeder die gleichen Chancen hat. Wir wollen unser Leben beeinflussen, anstatt eine Puppe zu sein, mit der jemand herumspielt. Wir wollen frei sein und unser Leben nach eigenen Wünschen gestalten! Vielleicht funktioniert dies in einigen Fällen, aber es ist definitiv keine gegebene Notwendigkeit. Die Welt, in der wir leben, hält alles für uns bereit. Alles und nichts. Wir beschäftigen uns damit, je nach den Umständen und unserem Hintergrund. Einige rennen weg, leben in ihrer eigenen Blase, andere ignorieren oder sind einfach in einer materiellen Welt gefangen. Einige Menschen entscheiden sich dafür, sich umzudrehen und am Glauben festzuhalten. Eine Religion gibt ihnen den fehlenden Teil, um mit ihrem Leben klarzukommen. Einige glauben an Fakten, an Forschung und Wissenschaft. Einige Leute machen es zu einem wunderschönen Wunderland, egal was passiert. Manche Leute kümmern sich einfach nicht darum. Es ist eine komplexe Welt, in der wir leben, und von Anfang an sind wir neugierig darauf, sie zu verstehen.

Wir schauen uns andere Lebewesen an. Wir versuchen sogar, ihr Leben zu verstehen und betrachten die Dinge auch mit ihren Augen. Wir haben Glück, dass wir Perspektiven wechseln können.

Wenn ich mir das alles anschaue, sehe ich die zahlreichen Unterschiede, Herausforderungen, Möglichkeiten und vieles mehr. Ich sehe Chancen und Schwierigkeiten. Manchmal schockiert mich das Leben und scheint ein schwarzes Loch ohne Sonne zu sein. Andererseits kann die Situation aus dem Nichts völlig anders, farbenfroh, fröhlich und glänzend sein.

Es ist eine reiche Welt, in der wir leben, und wenn wir sehr ehrlich sind: Diese Welt reicht uns nicht. Wir wollen immer mehr. Es ist unser innerer Ruf, weiter zu gehen und nach mehr zu streben. Gestern ist Geschichte mit all den Dingen, die wir entwickelt und erreicht haben. Wenn wir Glück haben, behalten wir sie in unseren Geschichtsbüchern oder in einer anderen Datenquelle. Manchmal haben wir das Glück, aus der Vergangenheit zu lernen. Manchmal wiederholt sich das Leben. Nach wie vor auf der Suche nach morgen. Wir suchen unseren Sinn im Leben. Darüber hinaus haben einige das Gefühl, dass sie nach dem Tod etwas Großes hinterlassen müssen. Etwas, um ihre Geschichte zu erzählen und zu erklären, dass ihre Person existiert hat.

Das Leben scheint eine große Schleife zu sein, das Ende ungewiss. Wir wissen, dass unser Körper bald sterben wird, und wir wollen auch das beeinflussen. Wir starren in die Ewigkeit, getrieben von dem Versuch, über das hinauszuwachsen, was wir meinen zu wissen. Eine unendliche Suche, Frage um Frage, die beantwortet und erneut gestellt werden muss. Solange wir leben, werden wir nie aufhören zu fragen. Das gehört dazu, ein Mensch und am Leben zu sein.

Hast du zu verschiedenen Anlässen das Leben hinterfragt?

Wie wäre es mit weiteren Fragen?

Welche Antworten hast du gefunden und wie beeinflusst es dich in deinem Alltag?

Wie wäre es, wenn du einen Gedanken aus diesem Potpourri aufgreifst und in deinem Blog fortführst? Wenn wir unsere Beträge vernetzen und Links einbinden, können wir möglicherweise gemeinsam ein großes Potpourri erstellen. Die Zutaten sind das wirkliche Leben. Was denkst du?


    1. Sovely Matters

      Thanks so much Michael. I appreciate you took time and pulled yourself through this rich piece. Please feel free to share some more thoughts with me – as I sure am curious to learn more! Cheers, Sovely

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Michael A. Kuch

      My pleasure. My thoughts to go back to and process. Your writing is very fluid … you explain complex thoughts and engage the reading so intimately. I will digest this further and share … It must be very late for you?

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Michael A. Kuch

      Here are a few of my observations:

      We tend to fall into two broad, dissimilar factions …

      Those who are acutely aware of life and its infinite possibilities, their surroundings, their very being as an entity of more than simply carbon, whether or not they believe in a monotheistic God or are Atheist or Agnostic.

      My second thought is of people who are unaware of virtually everything, specifically the essence of conscious thought beyond what they say. Their thoughts are reactive, not unique, and their actions uninspired, their behaviour unoriginal. They are engineered by societal institutions.

      In relying on assumption, I believe this is merely hope – false hope and blind faith. We are also products of social engineering in society through culture, media, education, religion, parents, family … and cannot form original, free thoughts as our minds have been burdened by and absorbed by facts that are not Divine or Universal Truths.

      We do not cope well with change, especially catastrophic change as we’ve seen globally through this Pandemic. We opt instinctively for basic survival, but this is reactive not always logical or sensible. We are not created to cope well with the overload placed on our minds.

      Our environment greatly influences our behaviour and the path and decisions we choose in life. I believe we’re born of Divine Love, but we are taught to Hate and Kill.

      I do not believe we are free in this mortal life. We cannot be free in any environment controlled by men, government, religion, etc. However, we must think freely to escape … to be creative.

      We’ve made this world unnecessarily complex and complicated. People want freedom to make choices on how they identify, to create new identities, to believe exclusively in the empowerment of Self and nothing beyond what they perceive or see as tangible.

      We are fixated on the glorification of Self. While we do celebrate diversity and differences, rarely do we acknowledge just how similar we all are. The Pandemic might change our perspective now though for how long?

      I’ve grown numb to shock. Anything that happens out of the ordinary, is now expected. There is no norm any longer. Many of the sights of the early days of dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19 – hoarding of supplies, food, toilet paper, etc. – is testimony of mass fear, ignorance, lack of faith … irrationality en masse.

      I discovered the meaning of my life through Accepting My Purpose In Life. It’s no mystery. My life cannot be exclusively about Self. That isn’t enough. Ego contaminates.

      Did you question life at various occasions?

      Yes, always. Never-ending questions of Life, Death and Purpose. Since a young child.

      How about raising some more questions?

      It always comes back to Purpose with me. What is My/Our Purpose. What are we here for? How will we choose to spend our time? What will we do with what we have?

      Which are the answers you found and how does it influence your every day life?

      My answers always come through Faith, but not without deep thought and contemplation. Understanding my significance in life – universe, history, Humankind – as a mere insignificant micro organism in time. I’m an imperfect, fallible person with opportunities to be better as a person everyday. I see this in my deeds, my actions/responses, my behavior. Of course, I fall often. This prompts me to think openly and generously.

      With your permission, Sovely, I would like to share your post on my blog.


      Liked by 2 people

    4. Sovely Matters

      Dear Michael, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Wow! So you got carried away as well and yes, of course: please go ahead and share my post “Next”. I feel flattered you do! Love, Sovely

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Michael A. Kuch

      Hi, Sovely. Thank you for permission to re-post. I’ve only recently started sharing posts from a few other bloggers and enjoy doing so. “Next” is so worthy to shared and contemplated by many. Enjoy your evening. Blessings, Michael

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Brandi S.

    I love this, Sovely! This was very deep! I think I can relate to this because I’m one of those people who is always thinking deeply about the world around me and the people in it, even myself. I’m always questioning the why’s and the what if’s of life and wondering what makes things the way they are. I also loved how you brought about the question of what would we do if we knew that life had no limit. It does make you think. Would we go after the life we’ve always wanted, or would we continue to assume that we always have tomorrow and procrastinate? Really loved this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sovely Matters

      Dear Brandi, I very much appreciate your words. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

      A lot of thinking, isn’t i?! As I was writing I realized that one topic brought me to the next and even further. I got carried away and could choose topics out of this one post and continue writing even more.
      I am happy you liked and felt it too!
      So just imagine yourself as a Vampire, who is living for good…

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Brandi S.

      You are very welcome, Sovely! I have that happen too when I write out my thoughts or I’m just thinking to myself! One thought gives birth to another and another. Almost like stars dying.. they create new stars. But it’s amazing where our minds can take us just from one thought. Ah, a vampire living for good! That would mean an eternity of thinking, growing and asking more questions! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Helen

    Hi Sovely,
    wow, in diesem Beitrag sprichst du so viele wichtige Themen an und stellst interessante Fragen. Zum Beispiel die, ob gerade die zeitliche Begrenzung unser Leben so spannend macht. Ich frage mich, wie wir uns mit einem ewigen Leben so schlagen würden… Aber auch der Aspekt der Freiheit bringt mich zum Nachdenken. Freiheit war für mich immer unglaublich wichtig, dennoch glaube ich im Grunde, daran, dass unsere Entscheidungen bei Weitem nicht frei sind. Wie kann ich das vereinen?
    Ich habe ein paar Teilaspekte aufgegriffen und weitere Fragen gestellt und bin dabei vor allem auf den Konflikt zwischen Wissensdurst und nicht-wissen-wollen gestoßen. Vielleicht widme ich mich ja noch einem anderen Teilaspekt deines Beitrags 😀 er bietet auf jeden Fall sehr viel Stoff zum Nachdenken. Ich habe deinen Beitrag hier verlinkt:
    Vielen Dank für’s Teilen und alles Liebe,

    Liked by 1 person

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